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I have been working for Outstanding Corporation as a secretary for the past two years, and I'm quite familiar with office work.

I have been waiting some time. 我已等了一些时候。
I have been waiting to get into this bar for so long, but every time I try to get in, they make me leave. 我一直等着进这个酒吧已经好么久了,可每次我想进去的时候,他们都让我走。
I have been wasting all my life looking around, hoping to find the true love ever exit in this World. 我一直在浪费我所有的生命四处张望,盼望在这个世界找到曾经的真爱。
I have been wondering if I still has a fall in love at first sightheart at the age of 27. 开往春天的地铁:我一直怀疑27岁是否还会有一见钟情的倾心。
I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. In that capacity, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. 我干了5年电脑编程。在这个工作范围内,我负责系统分析,解决问题,以及提供软件支持。
I have been working for Outstanding Corporation as a secretary for the past two years, and I'm quite familiar with office work. 过去两年我一直在卓越公司担任秘书,而且我对于办公室业务非常熟悉。
I have been working in building construction companies and building research unit for 30 years, mainly worked on the research and fabrication of building grid structure and construction materials anti-seepage agents, the quality test and check of building 本人在建筑施工企业和建筑科研单位工作30年,主要从事建筑网架结构和建筑材料防渗剂的研制,建筑工程质量检测及建筑工程监理的咨询工作。
I have been working on and off as a domestic helper for 3 years. 我3年断断续续地在做家庭佣工的工作。
I have been working on this problem all day long. 我研究这问题已经有一整天了。
I have been working out every day. 我每天都去健身。
I have been working with large foreign company for 6 years,possess of lots of working experience and capabilities of dealing matters and emergency. 本人从事外资大型企业工作已有六年,拥有丰富的工作经验及处事应变能力。

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