Japan wanted to lodge a protest after China's Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing commented on Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's trips to a war shrine, the paper said.
在中国外长评论日本首相参拜战犯神社后,外务省打算就此事向王毅大使递交抗议书。 |
Japan was an ally in Asia: China is potentially a military competitor.
对美国而言,日本是在亚洲的盟友,中国是潜在的军事竞争者。 |
Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29deg. north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and t
日本同意美国对北纬29度以南之西南群岛(含琉球群岛与大东群岛)、孀妇岩南方之南方各岛(含小笠原群岛、西之与火山群岛),和冲之鸟岛以及南鸟岛等地送交《联合国》之信托统治制度提议。 |
Japan wolfed down 5.4 billion of those in 2003, or about 42 packs for every man, woman and child.
2003年一年,日本人就吃掉了54亿元方便面,约合成人和孩子每人42包一年。 |
Japan's Cool Bizcampaign urges office workers and politicians to shed their suits and ties during summer to cut the use of air-conditioners and reduce electricity use and related greenhouse gas emissions.
日本兴起的“清凉商务”运动鼓励办公室职员和政治官员夏季不穿西装、不打领带,以减少空调的使用,节约用电,并且减少温室气体的排放。 |
Japan's 90 million cellphone owners also use their machine's modern technology and tiny screens (half the size of a business card) to play video games, send e-mails, read news, download music, store photos and surf the Internet.
在日本,有9000万手机用户还利用现代科技在手机的小型屏幕(只有名片的一半大小)上玩视频游戏、发电子邮件、阅读新闻、下载音乐、存储照片以及浏览网页。 |
Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper quoted one Afghan mediation source as saying the sum was $2m (£1m).
日本《朝日新闻》援引阿富汗一家新闻媒体消息称赎金数额为200万美元(1百万英镑)。 |
Japan's Cabinet has approved a defense report that urges the country to quickly finish building a missile defense system to counter the potential threat from North Korea.
日本内阁批准了一份防卫报告,这份防卫报告呼吁日本尽快完成一套导弹防御系统的建设,来应对北韩的潜在威胁。 |
Japan's Education Ministry basically conceded this two years ago, after millions of Japanese had passed through half a century of elective English learning in secondary schools.
在百万日本人半世纪以来已在中学把英语列为选修课程后,日本的教育部门基本上两年前开始关心这个问题。 |
Japan's Financial Services Agency has ordered Citigroup to wind up its Japanese private bank by next September, accusing the business of misleading customers , profiteering and riding roughshod over regulations.
日本金融厅指责花旗在日本的私人银行误导消费者、牟取暴利,并公然蔑视监管规定,已责令花旗集团明年9月前关闭其在日本的私人银行。 |
Japan's Financial Services Agency yesterday imposed strict punitive measures against JPMorgan Trust Bank in its third warning against the US banking group in the past month.
日本金融厅勒令JP摩根信托银行将有关房地产信托的新业务暂停6个月,并责令银行改善内部控制,建立合适的公司治理和合规体系。 |