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He believes his animation program will allow virtual stunt artists to replace their flesh-and-blood counterparts.

He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty. 对也罢,错也罢,反正他认为她是有罪的。
He believes an invasion was never in the cards. 他相信入侵永不会发生。
He believes anything he's told, just like a babe in arms. 人家对他说什么他相信什么,他简直像个天真幼稚的娃娃。
He believes both Iran and Syria should play an important roll in easing regional tensions. 他相信伊朗和叙利亚两国对缓解地区紧张局势起着很重要的作用。
He believes he's got the hang of driving. 他自信已领会了开车的要领。
He believes his animation program will allow virtual stunt artists to replace their flesh-and-blood counterparts. 他相信他的动画程序可以让虚拟特技人员取代真正的特技演员。
He believes human still have life after death. 他相信人死后还有生命.
He believes in ancient myths. 他相信古代神话。
He believes in getting plenty of exercise. 他相信多做运动必有好处。
He believes in life everlasting after death. 他相信死后永生。
He believes in mind over matter. 他相信心神高于物质。

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