Magnetron has filamentary cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio.
它具有加热时间短的细丝阴极,液体冷却和内建无线电滤波。 |
Magnetron has filamentaryo cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio.
该磁控管具有加热时间短的屏蔽阴极,液体冷却和内建无线电滤波。 |
Magnetron it is characterized by small weight and a low level of the SHF radiation from a cathodic leg.
其特点在于小的重量和低的阴极超高频辐射。 |
Magnetron management of target capacity and stabilization of an anodi current with the help of the built - in electromagnet, an opportunity of a parallel feed several magnetrons from one rectifier, a low level of the SHF radiation from a cathodic leg is c
该磁控管可有效控制输出功率,内建电磁石使提高了它的阳极稳定性,一个整流器可同时供几个磁控管,具有低的阴极超高频辐射。 |
Magnets built into the floor and into the bed itself repel each other, pushing the bed up into the air. Thin steel cables tether the bed in place.
地面的磁体与床里的磁体互相排斥使得床漂浮在空中,同时细电缆线将浮床在空中定位。 |
Magnets held down their knives, forks and spoons.
磁铁可以吸住他们的刀子、叉子和勺子。 |
Magnification (Minimization): refers to the tendency to exaggerate (undervalue) the importance of a negative (positive) event.
「跨大(缩小)」:即指倾向跨大负面或缩小正面事情的重要性。 |
Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.
放大磁性的大小。 |
Magnify their magnificence.
对他们的壮举更加夸大表扬。 |
Magnus' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. Targets beside the primary take less damage.
半人猛犸的长矛划出一道弧线,对250范围内的所有敌方地面单位造成伤害。第一攻击目标受到全额伤害,其余目标受到较少伤害。 |
Magpie, the implication is happy, always very popular.
喜鹊,有喜庆的寓意,历来很受欢迎。 |