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[size=3]A critical factor that plays a part in susceptibility to colds is age.

[size=2][size=2][color=Brown]Jerusalem was in dire shape. 耶路撒冷陷于可怕的境地。
[size=3] She continues into the sitting room and notices Alan smiling to himself. 她又走进了起居室,注意到艾伦正在自己一个人笑。
[size=3]-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet. 在数据包中发送“不要分段”标志。
[size=3]1. Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!
[size=3]A close call, but for the White House a useful boost. 贸易谈判幸免于难,但是对白宫来说鼓舞巨大。
[size=3]A critical factor that plays a part in susceptibility to colds is age. 年龄是人们是否易患感冒的一个重要因素。
[size=3]AT FIRST sight, Quebec's provincial election altered nothing. 乍看之下,魁北克省的选举结果没有改变任何事情。
[size=3]But the symbolism was important. 但是象征意义却很重要。
[size=3]DESPITE their world-beating multinational companies and their export-led post-war economic miracle, the word “insular” might have been invented with the Japanese in mind. 尽管有举世瞩目的跨国公司和出口引领的战后经济奇迹,在日本人心中“狭隘孤岛”这个词也许一直与其相伴而行。
[size=3]FOR as long as multinational companies have existed—and some historians trace them back to banking under the Knights Templar in 1135—they have been derided by their critics as rapacious rich-world beasts. 自从跨国公司诞生以来——一些历史学家将它们追溯到1135年圣殿骑士团统治下的银行业——它们一直被其批评者嘲笑为富裕世界的贪婪野兽。
[size=3]Facts are stubborn things. 事实是不容改变的东西。

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