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You should never resign yourself to fate because the resignation might be accepted.

You should never go back on your promise to a child. 你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。
You should never go back on your promise to anyone. 你不应该失信于任何人。
You should never have crossed my path. Good riddance. 你再也不会阻挡我了,太好了。
You should never let in goals like these. 这样的失球不太应该。
You should never look down on poor people. (你永远不应该瞧不起穷人。)【这是我给你的提醒!】
You should never resign yourself to fate because the resignation might be accepted. 永远不要向命运屈服,因为你的屈服可能会接受。
You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant. 你一定不要对一位女士说,你知道她怀孕了,即使是暗示也不行。
You should no longer lose your hotkey preferences after changing your video settings. 你改变显示设置以后,不会再丢失自己的热键设置了。
You should not abuse your authority. 你不该滥用你的权威。
You should not appeal to force. 你们不应该诉诸武力。
You should not ascribe your failure to bad luck. 你不应该把自己的失败归因于运气不好。

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