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Ian Holm, who plays Bilbo Baggins, was the voice of Frodo Baggins in the 1981 BBC Radio adaptation of The Lord of The Rings.

Iago. Yours by this hand: and to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife! she gave it him, and he hath given it his whore. 伊阿古我可以举手起誓,那是您的。瞧他多麽看得起您那位痴心的太太!她把手帕送给他,他却拿去给了他的娼妇。
Iam a busy man,don't you know? 我可是个忙人啊,你不知道吗?
Iam only a new comer in this field and need to learn from you a lot! 我是刚刚进入这个行业,还需要向您多多学习!
Ian Blair, London's Metropolitan Police commissioner, said the event was going very well. 大伦敦警察局局长伊恩·布莱尔说诺丁山狂欢节进行得非常顺利。
Ian Holm was always Peter Jackson's first choice to play Bilbo Baggins. 伊恩·荷姆一直是杰克逊首选的扮演比尔伯·巴金斯的人选。
Ian Holm, who plays Bilbo Baggins, was the voice of Frodo Baggins in the 1981 BBC Radio adaptation of The Lord of The Rings. 弗罗多的叔叔——比尔伯·巴金斯的扮演者伊恩·荷姆是1981年BBC广播剧中比尔伯·巴金斯的声音演员。
Ian Miller: You don't want to know. 伊安:你没有必要知道。
Ian Paisley, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, was sworn in as Northern Ireland's First Minister. 民主统一党领导人伊恩.佩斯利作为北爱尔兰第一部长宣誓就职,新芬党的马丁.麦吉尼斯成为其第一副手。
Ian Poiret, First Time Carnival goerOh it's magical here you know, it's like a dream. People dancing, it's so crazy, this energy - I love it, I love it. 狂欢者真是不可思议,就像一场梦,人们都在跳舞,非常狂热,这种活力,我非常喜欢,非常热爱。
Ian Wright's Unfit Kids is a peak-time series that sees the Arsenal legend ambitiously attempt to improve the health of eight out-of-shape North London teenagers. 前阿仙奴得分王伊恩胡礼这次不谈足球,反而主力为伦敦八名超重儿童锻炼体能。
Ian is a dab hand at the orient art. 伊恩是东方艺术的行家。

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