Methods This paper reviewed the distribution, chemical constituents, pharmacological activity and clinical application of Trollius on the basis of related references.
方法通过查阅国内外相关的资料,对金莲花属植物的分布、化学成分、药理作用及临床研究进行综述。 |
Methods This study reviewed the literatures and summarized the research on elderly driver motor vehicle crash prevention both from China and some developed countries such as USA.
方法检索并分析了中国以及一些发达国家,如美国等有关老年驾驶者以及交通事故安全的论文及论著。 |
Methods Three-dimensional determination for four natural organic compound samples by using single crystal X-ray diffraction.
方法应用单晶X射线衍射分析方法对4个天然有机化合物样品进行三维结构测定。 |
Methods To adopt a mill-like method to obtain (soaked in 10% formalin more than 2 years) thin level cross sections of a head and take digital photograph one by one.
方法采用薄层冰冻铣切技术做颅脑标本的横切面,并用数码相机逐层照相。 |
Methods To adopt partial mydriatic, then inuect gentamycin sulfate and dexamehasone beside the bulbar or under the conjunctiva for ten endphthalmitis patientes.
方法对10例(10眼)眼内炎釆用局部散瞳、球旁或结膜下注射庆大霉素+地塞米松治疗。 |
Methods To capture flies with fly cage.
方法采用诱蝇笼采集蝇类。 |
Methods To carry out no painkeeping catheter after anaesthesia to patients of gynecology in the operating room.
方法:在手术室为妇科手术患者实施麻醉后的“无痛”保留导尿。 |
Methods To collects 1994-2005 more than ten years related articles 26 altogether, a meta-analysis research is implemented.
方法搜集1994~2005近10多年间有关产后抑郁症危险因素的文章共26篇,并对其进行元分析。 |
Methods To study the photic stabilities of these three types of pigment in an uniform environmental condition, using the same radiation lamp-house with the same illuminance.
方法在统一的环境条件下,使用相同的辐射光源、照度,在近似相同的初始吸光度值下,对这三种色素的光稳定性进行比较研究。 |
Methods Treatment group: The varicosities of greater saphenous vein were treated by microwave coagulation intracavitary treatment together with injection coagulation treatment of its tributaries.
方法治疗组采用微波血管腔内凝固封闭大隐静脉结合属支曲张静脉穿刺凝固方法。 |
Methods Twenty-eight patients with periarthritis of shoulder were treated with the massage and cupping.
方法对28例肩周炎患者进行推拿结合火罐的治疗方法。 |