Especially under the leadership of Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China and UNESCO and with the support worldwide, IRTCES has conducted bilateral and multilateral collaborative research and training.
特别是,在水利部和联合国教科文组织的直接领导下,在国内外有关方面的大力支持下,泥沙中心开展了多项国际、地区、双边和多边合作研究及技术交流。 |
Especially when a meltdown is exasperated by a controversial call from an umpire who worked in Triple-A this season.
尤其是被本季在三A判球的受争议的裁判给惹怒了。 |
Especially when nowadays bumping reinforced concrete is popularly used in casting, cracking control becomes more difficult.
尤其是现在普遍采用泵送商品混凝土进行浇筑,裂缝的控制更加困难了。 |
Especially when regular expressions are involved.
特别是需要使用正则表达式时。 |
Especially when we compare sleeping with weaken, the function of blood circulating system is decreasing apparently, and the basic metabolize becomes slow, the circulating of air in our body is also weakened obviously.
尤其睡眠与清醒相对比,血液循环系统的功能明显下降,基础代谢趋于缓慢,体内经气的运行也明显减弱。 |
Especially when you're a 78-year-old man who happens to share the name of a certain fictional boy wizard who is famous the world over.
特别是当你已经78岁,却恰巧与一个闻名全球的小说人物-一个“小男巫师”同名的时候。 |
Especially with the deepenning constantly of reform and opening-up of our country, the constant development of market economy, the advertising role in foreign trade is more and more important, so deep understanding and mastering the characteristic and exp
特别是随着我国改革开放的不断深入,市场经济的不断发展,广告在进出口贸易中的作用越来越重要,因此深入的了解与掌握英语广告的特点与表达,就成为我们更好的进行广告策划与创意,并且把我们的产品更好的推向世界市场的迫切需要。 |
Especially with the great pressure of international anti-terrorism, they instigate the people who believe in a religion and constantly stir up the many disturbances by taking the free religion as the pretext, which make the religionary conflicts get more
尤其是在近年来国际上通力合作严打“三股势力”的高压态势下,他们更以宗教为幌子,以信教自由为合法外衣,蛊惑煽动信教群众,不断挑起各种事端,也使得原本复杂的西部民族地区宗教矛盾更加扑朔迷离,难以解决。 |
Especially, I found the ear flaps did not serve any purpose and decided to eliminate them.
特别是,我发现耳罩一点作用都没有,所以决定去掉。 |
Especially, being behind people all the time is not the easiest one – you don't really get an idea of the car, or how good it will be when you run alone.
尤其是一直跟在别人后面跑是很艰难的,你一个人跑得时候无法知道赛车的情况以及它能达到何种程度。 |
Especially, diesel particle filter (DPF) as well as its regeneration methods, catalytic converter equipped with oxidizing catalyst or four-way catalyst, and none thermal plasma-catalysis method have been discussed in detail.
介绍了颗粒捕集器及其消极和积极再生方法、采用氧化催化剂或四效催化剂的催化净化器和低温等离子体-催化净化技术。 |