Both consumption and exports fared well in the first quarter, however.
但今年第一季度消费和出口均增势良好。 |
Both contest champions Li and Shang have almost faded from state media in 2007, a sharp contrast to the 2005-06 period when an avalanche of coverage made them household names.
近两年的超女冠军李宇春和尚雯婕都曾经名躁一时,但在2007年的媒体上黯然失色。 |
Both conventional and liquid-based Pap smears showed the characteristic morphological features of this tumor.
在常规的和液态薄层制备技术的子宫颈抹片中都表现出小细胞上皮癌典型的细胞学形态。 |
Both countries are far outpacing the projected worldwide growth rate of 9.8 percent.
这两个国家的增长速度远远高于预测的9.8%的全球增长率。 |
Both countries are having a difficult time now and must purify their Karma.
目前这两个国家都正处于艰困的时期,必须净除各自的业障。 |
Both countries are now dealing with fresh revolts that are loosely connected.
这两个国家目前都在打击着关联不大的新近的反叛运动。 |
Both countries are on the edge of the EU, but whereas Bulgarians feel out of the mainstream, Romanians do not.
虽然两国都即将加入欧盟,但保加利亚人却感到自己仍处在欧洲主流文化之外。 |
Both countries deny the allegations.
但是伊朗和叙利亚都对此予以否认。 |
Both countries have huge current-account deficits: Bulgaria's was some 13.5% of GDP in 2006, Romania's 10.3%.
两国都有严重的货币赤字,在2006年,保加利亚的货币赤字占其GDP的13.5%,在罗马尼亚则是10.3%。 |
Both countries must renounce support for terrorism, and in Iran's case, its nuclear ambitions.
叙利亚&伊朗必须放弃支持恐怖主义,例如伊朗的核野心。 |
Both countries want to hammer out the deal by the time President Bush visits India some time either late next month or early March.
美印两国想在下月晚些或是3月早些时候借布什总统访问印度的机会制定出此项交易。 |