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The children were swinging on a rope.

The children were romping about on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上嬉闹。
The children were rushing about. 孩子们到处乱闯.
The children were scampering around the garden. 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。
The children were spilling out of the school for their playtime break, bawling their heads off with the glee of being released from forced labour of their lessons. 这正是课间休息的时间,孩子们蜂拥而出,没有课堂纪律约束的孩子们开始嘶声大喊,欢乐不已。
The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year's Day. 当新年的钟声敲响十二下时孩子们仍然完全醒着。
The children were swinging on a rope. 孩子们抓着绳子荡来荡去。
The children were taken good care of in the orphanage. 孩子们在孤儿院受到了良好的照顾。
The children were taken good care of in the the orphanage. 孩子们在孤儿院受到了良好的照顾。
The children were taken to hospital in the northeast state of Assam after last Sunday's anti-blindness campaign in which medical workers administered vitamin A supplied by UNICEF to 321,000 children. 上星期天,在一次预防眼盲的活动中,医护人员曾经向32万多名儿童派发了由联合国儿童基金组织提供的维他命A片。事发后,发病的儿童已被送往印度东北部阿萨姆邦的医院。
The children were taking turns on the slides in the playground. 孩子们在操场上轮流滑滑梯。
The children were tearing about in the garden. 孩子们在花园里四处奔跑。

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