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Other primary cancers were found in endomertrium( case),in ovarium( case)and in liver( case).

Other accompanied clinical manifestations included:dyspnea 8%,fatigue 7.7%,systemic pain 7%,headache 0%,diziness %,chest pain .8%,respiratory catarrhous symptom .%,palpitation .%,diarrhea 8.%,bloody sputum 9%,chilly sensation 8.%,sore throat 9%. 伴呼吸困难的 8% ,咳嗽 8 % ,乏力 7 7% ,全身酸痛 7% ,头痛 0 % ,头晕 7% ,胸痛 8% ,呼吸道卡他症状 % ,心悸 % ,腹泻 8 % ,血丝痰 9% ,畏寒8 % ,咽痛 9%。
Other common findings were elevated alanine aminotransferase (7.8%), elevated aspartate aminotransferase (8.9%), elevated lactase dehydrogenase (.7%), elevated creatinine kinase ( . %) and hypopotassemia (9.% ). 丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)升高(7.8%)、天门冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)升高(8.9%)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)升高(.7%)、肌酸磷酸激酶(CK)升高( . %)和低钾血症(9.%)。
Other factors, such as pH value (between .0 and 8.0), concentration of Cyclops and the interval of adding of ammonia and chlorine, are of little influence on inactivation. 而灭活效果受pH值(在.0~8.0之间)、剑水蚤密度、氨和氯的投加时间间隔影响较小.
Other interference ions were eliminated by soldium citrate and sulfourea. 采用柠檬酸三钠和硫脲作为联合掩蔽剂可消除其它离子的干扰。
Other manifestations included erythema nodosa (70%), arthritis or arthralgia ( .8%), and skin sensitivity to needle puncture (.%). 其它表现有结节性红斑(70.9%),关节炎(痛)( .8%)及穿刺点脓疱疹(.%)。
Other primary cancers were found in endomertrium( case),in ovarium( case)and in liver( case). 子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌、肝癌各例。
Other symptoms included facial nerve paralysis, vertigo, otalgia, dysphagia, hoarseness, throat sore, episodic hypertension with headaches and tachycadia. 主要症状为搏动性耳鸣和听力下降 ,其他症状包括面瘫、眩晕、耳痛、吞咽困难、声嘶、咽部疼痛、阵发性高血压伴剧烈头痛、心悸。
Other uranous compound catalysts were also reviewed,for example,uranium chlorides and other uranous salts. 同时,还讨论了其它铀化合物在催化领域的应用,包括铀的卤化物、取代卤化物以及铀酸盐等。
Otherwise , the ilEL can secrete a lot of cytokines , such as IL - , IL - ,IL-, IL-, IL-, IFN7, TNFα and TGFβ. 同时,iIEL细胞还能分泌众多的细胞因子,如IL-、IL- 、IL-、IL-、IL-、IFN_γ、TNF_α和TGF_β等。
Otherwise, irregularly-shaped mineral aggregates and fragments should be broken chondrules, which had formed in X-region of X-wind model and was injected into different position of solar nebular midplane by bipolar jets . 外形不规则,边缘参差的矿物集合体和矿物碎片应该是抛落时碰撞破碎的球粒,这些球粒形成于X-Wind模式中的X-区,并被双极喷流抛落到太阳星云的不同部位;
Otolithic rnembrane was identified on the lumenal surface of the utricular and saccular maculae which were composed of a layer of sensory hair cells and - layers of supporting cells. 这些囊斑内可见一层感觉毛细胞和~层支持细胞。

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