The resumption of the execution of a computer program using the data recorded at a checkpoint.
[利用校验点处所记录的数据,使计算机程序重新执行。 |
The resumption of the talks -- consisting of the United States, China, Japan, Russia and the two Koreas -- came after a more than 13-month break during which the communist North tested fired a new long-range missile in July and then set off an underground
由美国,中国,日本,俄罗斯和两朝在内的会谈在中断了13个月后重新恢复,在此期间朝鲜于7月试验发射了远程导弹并在10月9日引爆了一个地下核爆破。 |
The resumption of travel came less than a week after Iraq's government banned the security contractor.
旅行的再开始在伊拉克的政府之后来得比一个星期少禁止了安全承包商。 |
The resurgence of bird flu has renewed scientists' fears that the virus could mutate into a form that is easily spread from human to human.
禽流感的再现使得科学家对于禽流感病毒是否突变成为另一种容易在人和人之间传播的恐惧再度地加深。 |
The resurgence of money into venture capital firms has come in spite of their continued underperformance, compared with generalist or big buyout firms.
尽管与从事多种业务的公司或大的收购型公司相比,风险资本公司仍然表现欠佳,但进入这些公司的资金仍再度增多起来。 |
The resuts showed that the annual average temperature had an increasing trend; summer, autumn and winter average temperature also had an increasing trend and the amplitude in winter was bigger; the change of standard deviation and coefficient of variation
得出如下结论:和田地区年气温有增加的趋势;夏季、秋季、冬季气温也有增加的趋势且冬季气温值增幅较大;标准差及变差系数都是冬季变化较为剧烈;偏度系数在夏季及秋季为正值;峰度系数值在冬季较大。 |
The resveratrol, had already shown the same benefits on worms, fruit flies and yeast.
红葡萄酒中所含的多元酚对于昆虫、果蝇和酵母具有同样功效。 |
The retail price of the dress is 60 dollars.
这衣服的零售价是六十元。 |
The retail price of this car is $15,000.
这辆车的零售价是15000美元。 |
The retail sales of consumer goods include: (1) commodities sold to urban and rural residents for residential use and building materials sold to them for the construction or repair of houses ;(2) food and fuels sold to canteens of institutions, enterprise
社会消费品零售额包括:(1)售给城乡居民作为生活用的商品和修建房屋用的建筑材料;(2)售给社会集团的各种办公用品和公用消费品(3)售给机关、团体、学校、部队、企业、事业单位的职工食堂和旅店(招待所)附设专门供本店旅客食用,不对外营业的食堂的各种食品、燃料;企业、单位和国营农场直接售给本单位职工和职工食堂的自已生产的产品;(4)售给部队干部、战士生活用的粮食、副食品、衣着品、日用品、燃料;(5)售给来华的外国人、华侨、港澳(台)同胞的消费品;(6)居民自费购买的中、西药品、中药材及医疗用品;(7)报社、出版 |
The retail sales of consumer goods include: (1) commodities sold to urban and rural residents for residential use and building materials sold to them for the construction or repair of houses; (2) food and fuels sold to canteens of institutions, enterprise
社会消费品零售额包括:(1)售给城乡居民作为生活用的商品和修建房屋用的建筑材料;(2)售给机关、团体、学校、部队、企业、事业单位的职工食堂和旅店(招待所)附设专门供本店旅客食用,不对外营业的食堂的各种食品、燃料;企业、事业单位和国营农场直接售给本单位职工和职工食堂的自己生产的产品;(3)售给部队干部、战士生活用的粮食、副食品、衣着品、日用品、燃料;(4)售给来华的外国人、华侨、港澳台同胞的消费品;(5)居民自费购买的中、西药品、中药材及医疗用品;(6)报社、出版社直接售给居民和社会集团的报纸、图书、杂志、 |