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Initially working under the guidance of a sales representative, you'll become increasingly independent and pro-active as you move up the scale.

Initially these cards were hand-colored by factory workers. 最初这些卡片是由工厂工人用手工上色的。
Initially they found that beekeepers who frequently moved their hives were more likely to be afflicted. 一开始,他们发现频繁移动蜂窝的养蜂人更有可能遭受打击。
Initially they were treated as necrotizing enterocolitis, but the symptoms persisted. 在怀疑坏死性肠炎诊断下治疗后,腥胀并没有改善,于是接受探腹手术。
Initially we will be posting just once a week, on Mondays. In time we may post more frequently. The first postings will be tomorrow, December 6. 开始阶段,我们将只在每周的周一写一次。适当的时候我们会将写作的频率加快。第一篇日志将会在明天(12月6日)发表。
Initially we wondered if the kite was deployed to scare the birds – last week nets were set up near the mudflat to trap birds. 最初的现场讨论还怀疑风筝是有人故意放来吓雀的,因上星期泥滩付近发现有人设网捉雀。
Initially working under the guidance of a sales representative, you'll become increasingly independent and pro-active as you move up the scale. 工作基本上受销售代表领导,随着发展你会越来越有独立性和前瞻性。
Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind. 起初我不同意他的提议,不过后来我改了主意。
Initially, Kodak had forecast continued growth in sales of traditional film canisters in markets like China and India. 起初,柯达曾预计传统胶卷在中国和印度等市场的销售将继续增长。
Initially, e-markets will produce lower transaction costs and quicker procurement cycle-times, although the benefit set will ultimately expand to include supply chain efficiency, particularly as it relates to product design. 最初,虽然利润的确定方面最终与供货链的效率紧密相连,尤其当它涉及到产品设计方面,但是电子市场还是会降低交易费用而且缩短成交的周期。
Initially, equity was to be available at a discount to a public-offering price (assuming that there was to be an IPO); then it was to be at the offer price; now, it is at a premium to the offering price, which makes it a good deal only if the price of sha 最初,股权价格相对于公共市场价格有一定的折扣;后来,则与之相同;现在,则是有一定的溢价,这使得只有被投资方的股票价格有很大的增长才能够使投资者获利。
Initially, it would run for one year as a trial period. If everything is satisfactory, it could be renewed and extended two years. 刚开始是一年,作为实验期,如果令人满意,合同可以重订,而且延长两年。

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