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The ravenous lion tore the quarry.

The rats leaving a sinking ship. 老鼠离开一条要沉的船。
The rats were fed 12.5 grams of fructose per kg (2.2 pounds) of weight every day for a year. 在一年的时间里,这些老鼠每天按每千克(2.2磅)体重12.5克的标准摄取果糖。
The rave drug ecstasy may harm parts of the brain involved with verbal memory, according to a new study. 据一项最新研究表明,狂欢药物摇头丸可能是与非文字记忆有关的部分大脑受损。
The rave reception of Classified confirms it: we love Bond. 人们对《桃色机密》专辑的热衷证明了一点:我们喜欢棒辣妹。
The raven cawed on the tree. 乌鸦在树上呱呱叫着。
The ravenous lion tore the quarry. 饥饿的狮子撕碎了猎物。
The ravenous lions tore at the carcass. 这些饥饿的狮子撕碎了那动物的尸体.
The ravine in our heart continues to be filled with various desires, constraining us not having a breath, even preventing us from stopping to see the landscape around. 心中的沟壑不断地被各种欲望添满,压得喘不过气来,甚至停不下脚步,看一下周围的风景。
The raw ,unprocessed facts ,including text ,numbers ,images ,and sounds are called data . 生的肉,不加工的事实,包括本文,数字,图像和声音叫做数据.
The raw data is very important for future check. 原始资料对以后复查很重要。
The raw material and injecting machines come from Japan and USA. 产品的原材料和注胶设备来自日本和美国。

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