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A sand trap serving as an obstacle on a golf course.

A sample client project is included. 包括一个简单的客户端项目。
A sample database is provided. 包括了一个示例的数据库。
A sample is put on the table which is processed into a inclined plane on the filmed plane, and two interfaces of a film are focalized, then the thickness is read out that is a difference between the heights of two interfaces of a film. 将实验样品的覆膜面打磨成斜面后平放在金相显微镜样品台上,分别对膜层的两个界面对焦,从对焦旋钮上读出两焦面的高度差即为膜层的厚度。
A sample of 1852 middle school students was investigated on 9 morphological traits (hair form,hair point of the forehead,eyefold of the upper eyelid,Mongoliod fold,lobe type,nasal profile,nostril form,front tooth type,chin projection) in Han,Mongol and Ch 于1998年9月对内蒙古兴安盟3个民族(汉、蒙古、朝鲜族)调查了1852例(男875例,女977例)中学生的9种形态特征(发形、前额发际、上眼睑皱褶、内眦褶、耳垂类型、鼻梁侧面观、鼻孔形状、门齿类型、下颏突出度).结果显示:(1)3个民族中出现率较高的特征为直发、有内眦褶和铲形齿.(2)上眼睑皱褶、内眦褶、鼻梁侧面观、鼻孔形状、门齿类型在发生上存在一定的民族差异.(3)发形、前额发际、耳垂类型、鼻梁侧面观的出现率男女间差异显.(4)少数形态特征间具有相关关系.
A sanctuary in a hostile land. That's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space. 一片不友好的土地上终于有了一座避难所。这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草公司推出了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。
A sand trap serving as an obstacle on a golf course. 障碍,洞在高尔夫球比赛中用作障碍物的沙坑
A sandstorm kicked up while we drove through the desert. 我们在沙漠里行驶时,沙暴加强了
A sandstorm kicked up while we drove through the desert. 我们在沙漠里行驶时,沙暴加强了。
A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun. 汉堡包一种三明治,通常在面包卷或小面包中夹入这种碎牛肉饼制成
A sanitation worker in Long Island, New York helped Betty Goldstein's husband dig through dozens of trash bags in 90-degree heat to find a ring that was accidentally thrown away. 在纽约长岛,一名环卫工人在华氏90度的高温下帮助贝蒂?戈斯汀的丈夫翻遍了几十个垃圾袋来寻找那颗意外丢失的钻石。
A sarategic corporate concept is drawn up .Preparations are initiated for a standarsized corporate data processing system. The 32nd foreign subsidiary is established in Hong Kong /China. 1997年:一个战略化集团的概念形成,为标准化团体数据操作系统的准备工作开始着手,第32个外国子公司在中国香港成立。

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