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The pressing rods design with bias angles, high-and–low adjustment, self-poise of oil link ,which makes shoes convenient in fetching、smooth the surface without damage and high efficiency and good quality.

The press, publishing, radio, film and television must give correct guidance to the public, and Internet web sites should serve as important fronts for spreading advanced culture. 新闻出版和广播影视必须坚持正确导向,互联网站要成为传播先进文化的重要阵地。
The pressed flower art can be as decorative drawing, greeting card and bookmark; also, it can stick on surface of glass, plastic, wood and ceramic, etc. 它既可以做成装饰画、贺卡、书签等,也可粘贴于玻璃,塑料,木制品,瓷砖等材料的表面。
The presses system adopt manual, debugging maintain convenience simple, usage the function is dependable, operation convenience dependable. 本液压系统采用手动操作,调试维修方便简单,使用性能可靠,操作方便可靠。
The presses the system the adoption the slide valve system, to debugging maintain the convenience simple, usage the function is dependable. 液压系统采用滑阀系统,调试维修方便简单,使用性能可靠。
The pressing of bottom, side attaching and forward-and-backward squeezer can be finished at one time, and also can be finished separately with high pressure and fastness. 压底、压边及前后束紧,可一次完成,亦可选择单个动作完成,具有压力大,压合牢固之特点。
The pressing rods design with bias angles, high-and–low adjustment, self-poise of oil link ,which makes shoes convenient in fetching、smooth the surface without damage and high efficiency and good quality. 压杆采用偏摆,高低可调节,油液连通自动平衡等特殊设计,使鞋子取放方便,鞋面不起皱、不受损,从而达到效率高、质量好之攻效。
The pressure and expectations for Yao to deliver peak performance on command on the court also extends off of it as well. 人们总是希望姚明在场上发挥出最佳水平,在篮球场之外,姚明也承受着同样的压力和背负着同样的希望。
The pressure and feasibility on development of circular agriculture in Wuxi are discussed. 根据无锡农业的特点及现有的发展基础,初步构想了无锡市发展循环型农业的三种主要模式。
The pressure at every point along the pipeline, the gas-liquid phase flow rate and the law of the liquid holdup in the pipeline chang ing with time in the process of gas storage and supply at the time of peak shaving are simulatively calculated, and based 模拟计算了调峰过程中管道储气和供气过程沿线各点的压力、气液相流速和管内持液率随时间的变化规律,据此结合我国已建成现有的平湖一上海的天然气管线,对调峰问题作了深入地分析。
The pressure can now be controlled by the new Linkam VC94 motorized valve. Simply type a chamber pressure and observe the new stable vacuum in less than a minute. 压力可以由新研制的VC94自动阀控制。简单的输入腔室压力,一分钟之内可以看到新的稳定的真空。
The pressure existing between the guide vane and the runner when the pump-turbine of East China Tongbai Pumped Storage Power Station stops at different loads is analyzed, and the method for determining the best load at which the generator circuit breaker 摘要介绍华东桐柏抽水蓄能电站的水泵运行时,不同负荷工况下停机、导叶和转轮间压力的变化,阐述了华东桐柏抽水蓄能电站1号机组发电机断路器开断的最佳负荷值选定。

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