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The starting point must be yourself, in my opinion.

The starting line-up was: Russell; Ofori, Worley, Hutchinson (c), Bertrand; Taiwo, Bridcutt; Fernandes; Stoch, Cummings, Sinclair. 首发阵容:拉塞尔、奥弗里、沃里、队长哈特金森、贝特兰德、泰沃、布雷德科特、费尔南德斯、斯托奇、科明斯和辛克莱尔。
The starting location in memory to read from or write to, communicated on the data lines and stored by the DMA module in its address register. 把读取或写入处的记忆体开始位置放在资料线上,并且储存于DMA模组内的位址暂存器.
The starting material for producing API from which country? 生产原料(API)使用的起始物料来自哪个国家?
The starting materials for the petrochemical industry are obtained from crude petroleum in one of two general ways. 石化工业的初始原料大概通过一到两种方法从原油中提取。
The starting point and end-result of all business activities of any one enterpise is to build it into all-around,threedimensional,overall course,confidentable organization. 企业一切经营活动的出发点和归宿,就是把他塑造成全方位、立体化、全过程值得信赖的组织.
The starting point must be yourself, in my opinion. 出发点必须是自己,我觉得。
The starting point of many great fortunes has been these seven simple steps. 伟大的梦想都是从一个小地方开始,我们可以从以下七个步骤开始。
The starting voltage of electroscopes, correct operation of electroscopes, roles of the starting voltage of electroscopes in production, and the difference between the all-loop self-inspection and the non-all-loop self-inspection are illuminated, as well 摘要阐述了验电器起动电压的原理、验电器的正确操作、验电器起动电压在生产中的作用、全回路自检与非全回路自检的区别、验电器与高压发生器之间的关系。
The startled Blues owner then said: I'll buy you Zinedine Zidane. 惊讶的蓝军老板又说;“我将买齐达内。”
The startup is especially timely given China's automotive, construction, truck, and aerospace growing market needs for high quality, more productive,gear cutting tools. 合营公司的启动恰逢中国汽车工业,工程机械工业,卡车和航空市场对高品质,高性能齿轮刀具的需求持续增长。
The startup of the new factory was delayed by strikes. 这新工厂的开工,因罢工而延迟了。

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