Its a film about 6 teenagers from diverse backgrounds - among them the schools star basketball player - who conspire to break into a SAT testing center to steal the answers in hope of acing their exam.
就在他们实施偷考试答案的行动里,各个人又遇到了不同的难题,在闹出许多笑话之余,他们也必须尽力用自己的方法去克服。 |
Ivan Alonso (Alaves)- the little Uruguayan striker (brother of Santander's Diego) is in fine form and has four goals to his name this season, including strikes in the last three games against Villarreal, Deportivo and Ankaragacu.
伊万.阿隆索,年轻的乌拉圭射手(和巴伦西亚的迭戈.阿隆索是兄弟)也是状态不错,本赛季已取得四粒入球,前三场比赛更是场场进球,我们要当心。 |
Ivan Cordoba wins a duel with Pinardi then brings the ball out of the Nerazzurri box to neutralise a Lecce attack.
莱切进攻,科尔多巴在与皮纳尔迪的一对一较量中胜出并将球破坏出界。 |
Ivan Nikolaevich!' she said aloud.'
伊万谢苗诺夫!'她大声说. |
Ivan Sulic: Transformation really does change a Cabalist's looks, yes. We even have full Zombie, Fetid Hulk and Imp Shaman transformations in right now.
是的,变形技能是真的变形。密法师的外貌会随之改变。我们甚至能让你变成僵尸,臭汉和小鬼萨满。 |
Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, What happened?
伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,发生了什么事? |
Ivan did a part-time job in a supermarket.
他的上级,一个年轻姑娘召集他和他的同事开会。 |
Ivan fought the fire so bravely that he got hurt.
依凡奋力救火,以至于受伤了。 |
Ivan has been a top student at school.
伊万在学校时一直是个顶尖学生。 |
Ivan has got something urgent to talk about with his boss.
伊万有要紧的事情和老板讲。 |
Ivan is an outstanding chess player.
伊万是位突出的棋手。 |