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The ambassador expects that his next posting will be (to) Paris.

The amazing architectural skill of the ancient builders was attributed to supernatural powers. 古代建筑者令人惊讶的建筑技艺被归因于超自然的力量。
The ambassador also praised Vietnam for its economic growth and recent accession to the World Trade Organization. 另外,马林对越南的经济增长和最近加入世界贸易组织表示赞扬。
The ambassador also said Iran had proposed setting up a trilateral security mechanismamong Iraq, Iran and the United States. 他又说,伊朗已经建议设立在伊拉克、伊朗、美国设立“多边安全机制”。
The ambassador also said Iran had proposed setting up a “trilateral security mechanism” among Iraq,Iran and the United States. 大使还称伊朗提出建立一个伊拉克,伊朗,美国的“三方安全机制”。
The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen. 大使携礼物觐见女王.
The ambassador expects that his next posting will be (to) Paris. 那位大使预期他下次派驻巴黎.
The ambassador is now home on leave. 大使目前回国休假了。
The ambassador is responsible for the assignment. 大使负责该项任务。
The ambassador of the friendly nation refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men. 我在异国他乡遇到故知。
The ambassador presented her credentials to the monarch. 外交官将她的证明书呈交国王。
The ambassador understood local etiquette very well. 那位大使非常了解当地的礼节。

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