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Epidemiological survey of prevalence of cholelithiasis and its risk factors in a general adult population of Shaoyang;

Study on the molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Shanghai; 上海市2000-2002年91株结核分枝杆菌分子流行病学分析
Epidemiological survey of prevalence of fatty liver and its risk factors in a genera] adult population of Shanghai; 上海市成人脂肪肝患病率及其危险因素流行病学调查
5-year Trend in Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in Primary Schools of Shanghai Urban; 上海市区小学1999-2004年超重肥胖流行趋势及对策探讨
Epidemiological survey of chronic lymphatic filariasis after its elimination in Shanghai City; 上海市消除丝虫病后慢性丝虫病流行病学调查
Current status and prospects of caustic soda international market; 烧碱国际市场现状和前景
Epidemiological survey of prevalence of cholelithiasis and its risk factors in a general adult population of Shaoyang; 邵阳市区成人胆石症患病率及其危险因素流行病学调查
Use of sublingual misoprostol in combination with mifepristone in early pregnancy termination; 舌下含服米索前列醇配伍米非司酮在终止早孕中的应用
The Energy Dissipation Rate Per Unit Mass of Jet Pump Mixture; 射流泵混合的单位质量能量耗散率
Clinical Features Analysis of Community Acquired Pneumonia in 95 Patients; 社区获得性肺炎95例临床特征分析
Evaluation of Education of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in the Community; 社区居民弓形虫健康教育效果评价
Protective effects of muscone(麝香酮)on the hypoxia/hypoglycemia and reoxygenation induced damage of SH-SY5Y nerve cell cultured in vitro; 麝香酮对SH-SY5Y神经细胞缺氧/缺糖和再给氧损伤的保护作用

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