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Economies of scale: When cost per unit decreases as a manufacturing or distribution operation expands. The opposite is diseconomies of scale.

Economics has been large in my life. 经济已经成为我生活中的一个重要组成部分。
Economics is not a straightforward discipline like Newtonian mechanics or Euclidean geometry. 经济学不像牛顿力学或者欧几里德几何,它不是门直观的学科。
Economics is probably at work. Most psychology takes place in a clinical setting. Leadership gurus are employed at business schools, where enthusiasm is an entrance requirement and optimism the stock-in-trade. 经济学可能在这里发挥作用。大多数心理学研究发生在临床场合。领导艺术大师受雇于商学院,在那里热情是入门要求,而乐观则是行规。
Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. 经济学就是研究社会如何管理其缺乏的资源的方法。
Economics of Tobacco Control — A database of information regarding tobacco usage and policy in over 180 countries. 烟草控制经济学-关于烟草使用的数据库180多个国家和政策.
Economies of scale: When cost per unit decreases as a manufacturing or distribution operation expands. The opposite is diseconomies of scale. 规模经济:指单位成本随着生产和销售规模的扩大而下降,与规模不经济相对。
Economists also study how people interact with one another. 经济学家也研究人们之间的相互影响。
Economists at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo reckon that the total size of the yen carry trade is perhaps two to five times the size of money-market transactions, since much of the business is unrecorded, conducted over-the-counter. 东京高盛的经济学家估算日元利差交易的总额可能是货币市场交易量的2到5倍,因为大部分此类交易没有记录,都是在市场外完成的交易。
Economists at JPMorgan, for instance, now expect the pace of new-home building to fall by a further 30%, while they expect average house prices to tumble between 7.5% and 15% by the end of 2008. 例如,摩根大通银行的经济学家目前预期新屋建设会进一步下降30%,而且他们预计到2008年底,平均房价会下跌7.5%到15%。
Economists at the European Commission now put it at around 8%, one percentage point less than in 1997 (though well above America's 5%). 欧盟委员会的经济学家估计在8%左右,比1997年降低1%(尽管高于美国的5%)。
Economists believe that the deficit will widen again next month after a further rise in the oil price in March and figures from China pointing to a 38 per cent surge in exports last month. 经济学家们相信,由于石油价格3月份进一步上涨,同时来自中国的数据显示中国上月出口飙升了38%,美国下月的贸易逆差因而将再次扩大。

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