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On characteristics of kidnap hostage case in Russia "0 · " and it countermeasures
莫斯科“0· ”劫持人质事件的特点及解救对策

On Whitney Numbers of the Second kind for Dowling Lattices Dowling 格中的第二类Whitney 数
On Whitney’s and Tutte’s Conjecture 关于Whitney和Tutte猜想
On Withdrawal of Charges 公诉案件撤回起诉质疑
On Zang Hong-Prodigy in the End of the Han Dynasty “怀哭秦之节,存荆则未闻”──汉末“奇士”臧洪刍议
On application of small ganged steel formwork 组合小钢模的应用分析
On characteristics of kidnap hostage case in Russia "0 · " and it countermeasures 莫斯科“0· ”劫持人质事件的特点及解救对策
On closed minimal submanifolds in pinched Khler manifolds 关于Khler流形中的闭极小子流形的pinching定理
On consolidation deformation properties of neritic facies silt at Shenzhen Bay 深圳湾浅海相淤泥固结变形特性研究
On diagnosis of CAD,both ought to conjoin,but they cannot be replaced each other. 在冠心病的诊断中 ,两者应互相结合 ,而不能替代。
On features of the broadcasting and television in Ling Nan 论岭南广播电视的特色
On formation of macroscopic “freckle” defect feature in Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe-W alloy Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe-W合金中宏观“黑斑”缺陷特征的形成

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