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A controlled observation on efficacy of nitrous oxide for relieving pain in delivery;

Stereologic study on duodenal epithelium of mouse fetuses; 小鼠胚胎十二指肠上皮的体视学研究
Transient expression of tissue-type plasminogen activator in mammary gland tissues of mice; 小鼠乳腺组织中组织型纤溶酶原激活剂乳腺特异性表达载体的瞬时表达
Observation of effect of mice adipose tissue-derived Flk1~+CD31~-CD34~-cells on supporting hematopoietic reconstitution; 小鼠脂肪源Flk1~+CD31~-CD34~-细胞促造血恢复作用观察
Application of titanium miniplate internal fixation in mandibular fractures:the clinical investigation of 120 cases; 小异型钛板内固定治疗下颌骨骨折(附120例临床应用报告)
Detection and significance of sSCF in peripheral serum from children with bronchial asthma; 哮喘儿童外周血可溶性干细胞因子的测定和临床意义
A controlled observation on efficacy of nitrous oxide for relieving pain in delivery; 笑气镇痛分娩512例疗效观察
The scorpion chloride toxins are kinds of short chain scorpion toxins, which are able to block chloride currents on gliomas. 蝎氯毒素是一类能特异阻断神经胶质瘤氯电流的短链蝎毒素。
Effect of valsartan on serum interleukin-6,tumor necrosis factor-alpha in diabetic nephropathy patients; 缬沙坦对糖尿病肾病患者血清IL-6和TNF-α水平的影响
Efficacy,Tolerability and Safety of Valsartan Versus Benazapril on Reversing Left Ventricular Hypertrophy; 缬沙坦与苯那普利逆转左室肥厚效应及耐受性安全性的比较
Treatment of central type lung cancer with intrapericardial management of blood vessels pneumonectomy; 心包内处理血管治疗中心型肺癌
Experimental study of abating oxidative damage after acute myocardium infarction by Simvastatin; 辛伐他汀抑制急性心肌梗死后心肌氧化损伤的实验研究

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