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After you had completed your application, the bank would make up an individual folder for your account.

After you are done creating the basic config in this guide, I then have an appendix full of more advanced topics and configurations that you can play with to implement into your desktop. 在你通过这篇指南建立了基本配置后,我已经建立了一个附录,都是关于更多高级的主题和配置使你可以在你的桌面执行。
After you are done with the translations, save the changes and you should be all set. 在做完翻译工作后,保存您所做过的设置。
After you blowed off the birthday candle,you're one year older.Don't be intoxicated with nostalgia,it is just a beginning. 吹灭了生日烛火,你又长了一岁,不要沉缅于过去的记忆,一切都还只是开始。
After you fully know the possibility of sales ,we will talk further. 等你们全面了解我们产品销售的可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。
After you get these settings right other changes will most commonly offer only incremental performance improvements. 如果你把这些变量设置正确了,那么修改其他变量最多只能对系统性能改善有一定提升。
After you had completed your application, the bank would make up an individual folder for your account. 办完申请手续后,银行会为你制作个人账户的账夹。
After you have chosen a process, choose several cases as illustrations and begin formulating the arguments you will present. 在你选择一个过程之后,选几个範例作为举证,并且有系统地陈述你将呈现的论点。
After you have downloaded the software, you must select which projects you want to run. 在你下载完这软件之后,你必须选择你想运行的项目.
After you have had all these examinations. please come back for another check-up. 这是各项检查单,把所有的检查做完以后您再来门诊看病。
After you have submitted the application form, we will contact you within one to two working days, and supply you with the tutors details. 您提交申请表格后,我们会在2-3个工作日内与您取得联系,并向您提供外籍教员的详细信息。
After you have typed one line of text on a typewriter, you have to manually return the printing carriage to the left margin position and manually feed the paper up one line. 在打字机上打完一行文本后,你得手动地把打印架推回左边的页面空白处,并且把纸调高一行。

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