Chevron raised the issue during the Unocal debate, saying that the CNOOC approach had an unfair advantage because of its access to state financing.
在优尼科之争中,雪佛龙就提出了这个问题,称中海油存在不公平的竞争优势,因为该公司能够获得国家提供的资金。 |
Chevron's offer already has all the necessary regulatory approvals.
山型公司的收购申请已经完成了所有的审批程序。 |
Chew carefully before gulping the food down.
食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼. |
Chew with your mouth shut!
嚼东西的时候要闭上嘴巴! |
Chew your food properly before swallowing it.
食物嚼碎後再咽下. |
Chew your food properly before swallowing it.
食物嚼碎后再咽下. |
Chew your food well before you swallow it.
食物要先嚼烂再下咽. |
Chewable Cal-D – With a citrus flavour, this is essential for the healthy growth of bones and teeth.
儿童钙质维他命D片-清新橘子味,有助巩固骨骼,促进牙齿健康。 |
Chewing bubble gum, with a casual manner, the criminal confessed his principal crime except some minor details that were omitted.
漫不经心地,一边嚼着口香糖,罪犯坦白了他的主要罪行,虽然有一些细枝末节被遗漏。 |
Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday.
2月20日,美国科学家公布的一项最新研究报告显示,患者在接受了肠道手术之后,嚼口香糖有助于他们被麻痹的肠道恢复运动,这对患者早日出院非常有利。 |
Chewing gum can assist your concentration.
吃口香糖可以帮助你注意力集中。 |