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plague: infectious fever caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea. it usually spreads to humans only when the flea runs out of rodent hosts.

oring can put a big strain on relatio hi . We get calls from women who are a olutely in de air,she said. 她说:“打鼾会对夫妻关系产生很大危害。我们接到过很多‘绝望主妇’打来的电话。”
ow beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! 歌4:1我的佳偶、你甚美丽、你甚美丽.你的眼在帕子内好像鸽子眼。
ow beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves. 歌1:15我的佳偶、你甚美丽、你甚美丽.你的眼好像鸽子眼。
people don't expect to run into someone who's having brain surgery next week squeezing the melons at whole foods. 大家没有想到的是,在农产品区遇到的切西瓜的这个人下周将进行脑手术.
person put forward the 22nd letters and visits from the masses to administrative organ beyond the organizations of treatment for the letters and visits from the masses of people's government at all levels directly for their regulations acco rding to the n 他们不按照新信访条例“第二十二条信访人按照本条例规定直接向各级人民政府信访工作机构以外的行政机关提出的信访事项,有关行政机关应当予以登记;对符合本条例第十四条第一款规定并属于本机关法定职权范围的信访事项,应当受理,不得推诿、敷衍、拖延;对不属于本机关职权范围的信访事项,应当告知信访人向有权的机关提出。
plague: infectious fever caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea. it usually spreads to humans only when the flea runs out of rodent hosts. 鼠疫:由鼠疫耶尔森氏菌所致的发热性传染病,通过鼠蚤传播。仅在蚤类跑出啮齿宿主时才向人类传播。
powerwheelLogo Design directly for the use of powerwheel4th for deformation design. 巨轮动力标志设计直接利用“巨轮动力”四字进行变形设计。
president truman ,has made a mistake of decision,he shouldn't not get along well and just establish china of communist p arty and establish diplomatic relations,lost much benefits by our country.an american says. 一位美国人说:“杜鲁门总统,作了一个错误的决定,他不应该独自决定而建立了同中国共产党以及国民党的关系,这种做法使我们的国家(美国)的利益大大受损。”
probably I really just come in dreamed, but ask you to walk into this dream, good? “或许我真的只是在做梦,可是请你走进这梦里来,好吗?”
pure performance;pure power;pure control;Can you handle? (纯粹性能,纯粹动力,纯粹操控,你能把握吗?)
queuing buyphenomenon recurring event where sales originated? “排队买房”现象再起楼盘热销缘起何处?

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