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Legal Capacity - To have the legal capacity to enter a valid contract, a person must have reached the age of majority and be free of mental impairment or incompetence.

Leg Cuffs prevent side leakage. 立体护围有效防止侧漏。
Leg Opening: Finished with 1 x 1 rib so as to allow good elasticity. No raw edges shall be exposed. 裤脚开口:成品用1*1罗纹收口以使裤脚达到好的弹性。不能有毛边外露。
Leg warmers are passé, but hybrid legging-leg warmers from Chanel totally rock. 暖腿套早已成为过去式,然而香奈儿的保暖长袜绝对让你惹火至极。
Legal Aid and Family Services, which forms part of the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, is responsible for co-ordination of the delivery and development of national legal aid policies and programs. 法律援助和家庭服务是联邦司法部的一部分,其职责是协调国家法律援助政策及计划的递交和发展。
Legal Aid is available to eligible defendants for providing legal representation in committal proceedings. 法律援助处可以为合资格取得法援的被告提供代表律师出席初级侦讯。
Legal Capacity - To have the legal capacity to enter a valid contract, a person must have reached the age of majority and be free of mental impairment or incompetence. 要素三:法律能力,当事人必须达到法定的年龄,且无精神疾患,具备完全民事行为能力。
Legal Fees: To be borne by both parties herein in equal share; if the Tenant engages a separate firm of solicitors to act for the Tenant,each party shall bear its own legal cost. 律师费:本应由双方平均分担.如果承租人聘请单独律师,每一方应承担自己的法律费用.
Legal Practice and Cultural Praxis: Cross-cultural Comparisons of Western and Chinese Legal Traditions through Minority Policies. 法律实践与文化习俗:通过少数群体政策对比中西方法律传统。
Legal action; litigation. 法律行动;诉讼
Legal administration is to lawfully manage state affairs, and is major part of constructing the socialistic legalized country. 依法行政是依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的重要组成部分。
Legal affairs on real estate: Participate in the design and selection on the real estate investment planning; Participate in the establishment of real estate company; Act as the legal adviser of the real estate company; Assist conducting the transfer out, 房地产法律业务:参与房地产投资方案的设计和选择,参与房地产项目公司的设立,担任房地产公司的法律顾问,协助办理土地使用权的出让、转让和抵押,参与房地产项目的转让,参与房地产预售、销售、抵押担保贷款、楼宇租赁,提供物业管理法律服务。

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