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Article 19 Schools must implement the National Physical Training Qualification Standards and ensure that the students have time for sports activities every day at school.

Article 19 Mining enterprises shall take preventive measures against perils that may arise out of using mechanical and electrical equipment, soil tips, mine tips, dams and lagoons, as well as from disused mine pits. 第十九条矿山企业对使用机械、电气设备,排土场、矸石山、尾矿库和矿山闭坑后可能引起的危害,应当采取预防措施。
Article 19 No organization or individual may print or issue promissory notes as substitutes for Renminbi to circulate on the open market. 第十九条任何单位和个人不得印制、发售代币票券,以代替人民币在市场上流通。
Article 19 No units or individuals may print or sell promissory notes as substitutes for Renminbi to circulate on the market. 第十九条任何单位和个人不得印制、发售代币票券,以代替人民币在市场上流通。
Article 19 Penalty for an act in breach of duty under administrative law which is punishable by a maximum statutory fine of three thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$3,000) may be remitted if the act was committed in a trivial circumstance for which it is con 第19条违反行政法上义务应受法定最高额新台币三千元以下罚锾之处罚,其情节轻微,认以不处罚为适当者,得免予处罚。
Article 19 Prepaid expenses are expenses that should be allocated into the period in which they are incurred and in subsequent periods, and be amortized within one year(inclusive).They include amortization of low-valued consumables, prepaid insurance expe 第十九条待摊费用,是指企业已经支出,但应当由本期和以后各期分别负担的、分摊期在1年以内(含1年)的各项费用,如低值易耗品摊销、预付保险费、一次性购买印花税票和一次性购买印花税税额较大需分摊的数额等。
Article 19 Schools must implement the National Physical Training Qualification Standards and ensure that the students have time for sports activities every day at school. 第十九条学校必须常州国家体育锻炼标准,对学生在校期间每天用于体育活动的时间给予保证。
Article 19 So far as the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the prenuptial property are concerned, husband and wife may agree as to whether they should be in the separate possession, joint possession or pa 第十九条夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。
Article 19 Termination of gestation or performance of ligation operations practised in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be subject to the consent and signing of the person per se. 第十九条依照本法规定施行终止妊娠或者结扎手术,应当经本人同意,并签署意见。
Article 19 The Competent Authority shall conduct environmental radiation monitoring at properly designated locations, where radiation monitoring facilities are set up and samples are taken, and make results available to the public. 第19条主管机关应选定适当场所,设置辐射监测设施及采样,从事环境辐射监测,并公开监测结果。
Article 19 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. 第十九条香港特别行政区享有独立的司法权和终审权。
Article 19 The State applies a system of vocational education and a system of adult education. 第十九条国家实行职业教育制度和成人教育制度。

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