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Only about 10% of abnormalities detected result from cancer.

Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. 欢迎他的自由几下轻轻的、零零落落、冷冷清清的掌声。
Only a very small part of it has been mapped. 目前仅有很小的一部分已经绘制出来。
Only a weak country can't defend themselves. 只有虚弱的国家才不能保护他们自己.
Only able to report one vehicle at the time. 在同一时间里只能报告一辆车超速。
Only about 1% of such persons get a significant degree of pulmonary fibrosis. 仅有大约1%的这种病人出现明显的肺纤维化。
Only about 10% of abnormalities detected result from cancer. 在检测到的异物中,只有10%是由癌症引起的。
Only about 14,000 people bothered to vote compared with 23,000 in 1999 (no straw poll was held in 2003, as Mr Bush was the only Republican contender). 只有约14,000的人前来投票,和1999年的23,000人形成鲜明对比(2003年没有进行意向投票,因为布什是惟一的共和党候选人)。
Only about 20 temples remain; they fall into three distinct groups and belong to two different religions Hinduism and Jainism. 目前仅存有约20座庙宇,它们分为三组不同的群体,分属于两个不同的宗教印度教和耆那教。
Only about 30 per cent of about 200 DAB candidates won in the electio . 民建联共派出约二百人参选,但只有约三成当选。
Only about 30 per cent of about 200 DAB candidates won in the elections. 民建联共派出约二百人参选,但只有约三成当选。
Only about 65% of aid actually arrives on schedule, according to the OECD. 根据OECD的说法,实际上只有大约65%的援助会按时交付。

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