The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to
正在到来的战后婴儿潮和妇女纷纷进入男性主导的职场已绮限制了年轻人为了去好学校找好工作而攀爬日本严酷的社会阶梯的机会,他们已绮在不断质疑这么大的个人牺牲了。 |
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-domiated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to g
战后婴儿潮一代的步入成年以及女性打入男性主导的劳动力市场使得青少年的发展机会变得极为有限,他们已经在不停地质疑为了爬上日本国内那通往优秀学校和体面工作的严酷的社会阶梯而做出的巨大的个人牺牲。 |
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the maledominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to g
战后婴儿潮(出生高峰期)的到来及妇女进入男性主宰的就业市场,限制了青少年的发展机遇,他们已经开始质疑在进好学校、找好工作,攀登日本等级森严的社会阶梯的过程中所付出的巨大的个人牺牲是否值得。 |
The coming of eyebrow tattoo machine indicates global beauty industry has entered a bran-new field, as well as brings hope for those who yearn for a pair of real, nature and individual pretty eyebrow and lip.
纹眉机的问世,标志着全球美容业进入了一个崭新的领域,同时也为一些渴望拥有一对儿真实自然、又极具个性化漂亮眉型及唇型的朋友们带来了希望。 |
The coming of knowledge economy, the need of our country's development, the development of socialist market economy as well as the value orientation of colleges and universities all require constructing cultivating patterns for creative talents which put
知识经济的到来,国家发展的需要,社会主义市场经济的发展,高校的价值取向都充分表明必须构建创新人才培养模式,着力培养创新人才。 |
The coming of the queen caused a great stir.
皇后的来临引起了很大的骚动。 |
The coming on of Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right plays an important role in perfecting a complete laws system in our country.
摘要《信息网络传播权保护条例》的出台对于健全我国的法律具有重大意义。 |
The coming together of Bulma and Vegeta is never actually shown in the Anime or Manga; it is left up to the viewer\'s imagination.
无论是过去还是未来,布尔玛与贝吉塔的结合都未明显地表现出来,所以只能靠大家的想象了。 |
The coming years will witness an important strategic opportunity for development of China 's automobile industry as well as a critical time for rapid development of DPCA.
未来几年,是中国汽车工业发展的重要战略机遇期,也是神龙公司快速发展的关键时期。 |
The command and control of the ARFF segment was not established as an “inner” perimeter.
飞机救援消防的指挥控制部分没有建立一个“中心”范围。 |
The command channels didn't work at all.
指挥系统全部失灵了。 |