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“They collaborate with a similar sense of visual balance to create breath-taking works.

“They are jealous of the Russians and afraid that they will steal the show, making local millionaires get less media attention and lower their status in high society. 奥地利消息,当地一个滑雪场即将限制俄罗斯大富豪游客的数目。有地产经纪说,当地人很妒忌俄罗斯人,害怕他们抢尽镜头,令当地的百万富翁获得传媒追访的机会减少,以及降低他们在上流社会的地位。
“They are not tracking verbal language, They are looking for evidence that words have become assimilated into the written English language,” said Arthur Bicknell, senior publicist with Merriam-Webster. 韦氏大字典资深公关人员亚瑟毕克奈尔表示:「编辑群并不是在追踪口头英文,他们在寻找字汇已被纳入书写英文的证据。」
“They came at us more in the second half and had a lot of the ball but overall I don't think there could have been too many complaints if Stevie's shot had gone in at the end. “在下半场他们大举反攻,但我不认为他们可以为平局感到不公平,相反他们应该感到庆幸,因为杰拉德最后的射门差点可以打进。”
“They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. 它能揭示一个你从不在意的男人心底隐藏的渴望。
“They cannot hope to cover themselves or hide from the laws,” he told Malaysian journalists at the end of his three-day working visit here yesterday. 首相说这些法律是可以执行的而且博客们一定要记住他们不能躲起来或者利用网络做一些违法的事情。
“They collaborate with a similar sense of visual balance to create breath-taking works. “他们是以相近的视觉感觉,创造出了令人惊叹的作品。
“They have got a good manager, a good chairman and the fans get right behind them. “他们有优秀的主教练,出色的主席,还有支持他们的球迷。
“They have learned to adapt to urban situations,” she said. “他们已经学会适应城市的环境。”她说。
“They have left us all catching our breath, but thankfully we have enjoyed a good opening to the season this time round. “他们让我们必须小心,但是感谢上帝我们目前为止的开局也很好。”
“They have only loaned him for two seasons to Inter. “他们只是把他外借到国际米兰两个球季。
“They might have a lot of good players, but without leadership, off the pitch and on the pitch, they will not be champions. “你或许买得到很多好球员,但队伍要是缺乏领导和指挥,就不能在场上场下获得成功。”

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