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It was just my old grumbling habit.

It was just an error, a stupid error, the kind anyone could make. Only now Earth is never going to have another visitor from space. Not ever. 这仅仅是一个错误,一个愚蠢的错误,那种人人都可能犯的错误。只是从今往后再也不会有太空客前来访问地球了。再也不会了。
It was just as I had conjectured . 这正如我所猜测的.
It was just as I had conjectured. 这正如我所猜测的.
It was just my godmother, mom and me at the dinner, so we decided to doggy-bag the left over dessert (mine was left untouched) to bring home for my aunt Maria to taste (she loves sweets)! 在这丰盛的开胃菜之后,因为妈妈一口都没吃,我们选择了清淡一点的平底锅煎鳕鱼,(我发现大多数餐厅,这道菜都会煎的有点过了,但是今晚的鱼,简直是完美了)旁边还有一个煎的干贝和一堆海鲜饭之类的。
It was just my luck to have chosen that moment to explore the Sightseer Lounge, the Empire Builder's observation car. 也算我走运,正好挑中这时刻去瞧瞧观光车厢,亦即「帝国缔造者号」的观景车。
It was just my old grumbling habit. 这只是我爱叨唠的老毛病。
It was just one of those days! 这就是事事不顺心的那么一天!
It was just one of those things. 这只是原因的其中之一。
It was just one small detail in a chic (stylish; specific; conforming to fashion) show, but somehow in this lackluster fashion season it resonated. 这只是特色秀里的一个小小的细节,然而,在这个时装潮流缺泛亮点的季节,这些小东西却产生了共鸣.
It was just terrible.I had to attend three,hour-long conferences. 太可怕了。我的去参加一个长达三小时的会议。
It was just that it would haveseemed odd to walk singly when we were going the same way and to the same place. 一块走并不表明我俩特好,只是两人同路去一个地方,各走各的不是很奇怪吗?

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