What's the number for room-service?
想叫房间服务的号码系几多号? |
What's the number of your company's turnover last year?
贵公司去年的营业额是多少? |
What's the number you dial?
你要的电话号码是什么? |
What's the object of market research?
市场研究的目的是什么? |
What's the objective of the meeting?
本次会议的目的为何? |
What's the objective of the project?
(这个方案的目的是什么?) |
What's the old man worth? ie What is the value of his possessions?
这个老先生的财产值多少钱? |
What's the oldest town in the world?
世界上最古老的城镇是哪个? |
What's the other side of you?
你的另一面又是怎样的? |
What's the par? It's a par three at a hundred and ninety-five yards.
标准杆是几杆?标准杆三杆,一百九十五码. |
What's the percentage of overseas markets in proportion to domestic markets for your product?
你产品的内销和外销比例是多少? |