His family lived near the schooland so oftentimes after class we would walk back to his house and I would hang out with him all day.
他家离学校很近,因此下课后我们经常去他家,之后我都和他呆在一起一整天。 |
His family story is told in the form of a play.
他的家史是以戏剧的形式来叙述的。 |
His family wept as ordinary Russians filed past, crossing themselves.
他的家人哭泣着,俄罗斯平民鱼贯而过,双手在胸前划着十字。 |
His family were landlords and intellectuals in Shandong province, and he went to a good school.
出生在山东一个地主和知识分子的家庭,张受过良好的教育,青少年时代就加入左翼作家联盟,参与“反蒋”的活动。 |
His family will be well prepared for the metamorphosis that may occur.
父母对孩子身上可能发生的巨大变化将有充分的准备。 |
His family's lawyers and social service officials reached an agreement allowing him to forgo chemotherapy and continue a controversial alternative herbal treatment.
他的家人,律师以及社会服务处的官员都同意他停止化学疗法,并继续接受非传统的尚存争议的中药治疗。 |
His famous Handbook of British Flora was published in 1858.
1858年发表了著名的《英国植物群手册》。 |
His famous remark about women being goddesses or doormatshas rendered him odious to feminists, but women tended to walk into both roles open-eyed and eagerly, for his charm was legendary.
他对女人最有名的评论是“女性要不是女神就是脚底泥”,这句名言让男女平等主义者非常厌恶他,但是女性们倾向渴望地留心注意着毕加索,因为他的魅力是如此的传奇。 |
His farewell speech was transcribed from shorthand notes.
他的告别演说是由速记转译而成的。 |
His farewell speech was very touching.
他的告别演讲非常感人。 |
His farewell to opera was in Puccini's Toscaat New York's Metropolitan in March 2004.
2004年3月,帕瓦罗蒂在纽约大都会剧院演唱了普契尼的《托斯卡》,由此正式告别歌剧舞台。 |