How many months have 28 days?
有多少个月份有28天? |
How many moons does Jupiter have?
木星有多少卫星? |
How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard ?
你说你还能往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子? |
How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?
你说你还能往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子? |
How many more stores will Dell open? How about stores outside the U.S.?
戴尔会开多商家新店面呢?对于美国本土以外的店面又有何打算? |
How many new customers will you bring on this year?
今年你将会开发多少客户? |
How many new customers will you bring on this year? How do you plan to do that, specifically?
你打算在新一年开发多少新客户?你具体如何计划去完成你的目标? |
How many new uses can you think of for the following ltems?
下列各项物品,你能想出多少种新的用途来? |
How many of our salesmen have phoned in so far?
目前有多少我们的推销员打电话来呢? |
How many of the tasks were they able to do? Which ones did they have the most trouble with?
他们能做完成多少任务?哪些任务完成最困难? |
How many of the world's 20 most polluted cities (World Bank on air pollution) are in China?
世界最污染的20个城市当中(按照世界银行的统计方法),中国的城市有多少个? |