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Siege AI is not passive.

Sideline sellsman work in Sony Ericsson and Skyworth enterprises ,each for one month working. 曾为索爱手机、创维电视做过一个月的兼职推销工作。
Sides were often divided along political lines, with conservatives backing phonics and liberals favoring whole-language instruction. 参与辩论的人士往往以政治立场决定支持的对象,保守派人士支持自然发音法,自由派人士支持全语教学法。
Sideways glances and suppressed grins slowly gave way to open laughter. Harry even had to cover his face and duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws. 刚开始,这几个人还挤眉弄眼、强压笑意,后来干脆大笑起来。哈里王子更是一发不可收拾,捂住脸,狂笑起来。
Sie hat 9 Nachbarl?nder: D?nemark, die Niederlande, die Schweiz, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, ?sterreich, die Tschechische Republik und Polen. 她有九个邻国:丹麦、荷兰、瑞士、比利时、卢森堡、法国、奥地利、捷克和波兰。
Siefert and others think that methane-producing microbes were some of the first microorganisms to evolve. 谢菲特和其他学者认为,制造甲烷的细菌是最早演化出的微生物之一。
Siege AI is not passive. 围城AI不再被动挨打??
Siege Engines should no longer block, parry or dodge. 攻城机械将不再格挡、招架和闪躲。
Siegel RJ, Fishbein MC, Forrester J, et al. Ultrasound plaque ablation: a new method for recanalization of partially or totally occluded arteries. Circulation, 1988, 78: 1443. 程树群,吴孟超,陈汉,等.超声消融术治疗肝癌门静脉癌栓的实验研究.中华普通外科杂志,1999(待发表).
Sieges that aimed at isolating and reducing fortified places became the dominant instrument for prosecuting the war and protective fortifications were vital, for both the besieged as well as the besieger. 对于攻城战的双方来讲,以孤立并消耗筑垒地域为目的的攻城战成为战争的决定性手段、同时保护筑垒地域的防御工事也生死攸关。
Siemens AG is one of the leading international suppliers to the railways industry. 西门子公司是铁路工业领域中领先的国际供应商之一。
Siemens China Automation and Drives Group (A&D) is a pillar of the Siemens business in China and offers a wide range of innovative, reliable, efficient and high quality products, systems, solutions and services in manufacturing automation, process automat 西门子中国有限公司自动化与驱动集团在制造自动化、过程自动化、楼宇电气安装及电子装配系统领域提供创新、可信赖和高质量的产品、系统、解决方案和服务。

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