Similarly,the masters tell us,the qualities of buddhahood are veiled by the body,and as soon as the body is discarded,they will be radiantly displayed. |
中文意思: 同样的,上师告诉我们,佛性被身体隐蔽住了,当身体破败后,它就会显现出来。 |
Similarly, when the application wants to update the user's accounts, the app does so by calling the intermediate object.
同样的,当应用程序想要更新用户帐户信息的时候,这个应用程序也是去调用这个中间对象。 |
Similarly, why did Joseph Smith state that Adam and the Garden of Eden were literally located in Missouri?
同理,那为什麽斯密约瑟说亚当和伊甸园是在密苏里? |
Similarly, with the exception of the possible in-place behavior, the binary operation performed by augmented assignment is the same as the normal binary operations.
类似地,除了可能的就地方式,由增量赋值执行的二元运算和普通的二元运算也是一样的。 |
Similarly, xiaos replace flutes and suonas stand in for oboes.
相同的,箫取代了长笛而唢呐代替了双簧管。 |
Similarly,romantically primed women volunteered for activities such as working ina shelter for the homeless, rather than spending an afternoon alonepicking up rubbish in a park.
同样,以浪漫思想为导向的女性们这次选择的志愿工作是活动性的,如在避难所为无家可归的人提供服务,而不是花整整一个下午在公园里拾取垃圾。 |
Similarly,the masters tell us,the qualities of buddhahood are veiled by the body,and as soon as the body is discarded,they will be radiantly displayed.
同样的,上师告诉我们,佛性被身体隐蔽住了,当身体破败后,它就会显现出来。 |
Similarly, it is through thoughts that seperation can be manipulated.
同样,分离能由思想加以操纵。 |
Similitude Theory tells us that similitude has its universality and incorporates epistemology with mothodology.
相似具有普遍性,且集认识论和方法论于一身。 |
Simmer down, now, and stop shouting.
静下来吧, 别喊了. |
Simmer on low heat (below 190°F) for 45 minutes to an hour.
将上述果泥糯米团放入平底锅中(温度约190F)煮45分至1小时。 |
Simmer the stew for an hour.
用文火把菜炖一小时. |