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Yes, but I can't seem to convince them of that. I'm only coming up with $610,000. I sure would like to know where the other $240,000 is coming from.

Yes, because they view the prospective employee as being serious about the profession. 是的,因为他们把这些未来雇员视为对这职业认真.
Yes, before August 2nd each team will have one practice at a scheduled time. 有,8月2日之前,每队在规定的时间内将有一次练习。
Yes, brethren &sisters we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (ch. 4:13)! 是的,亲爱的弟兄姐妹,我们能够通过基督得到力量去做所有符合神意愿的事情(4:13)!
Yes, bright colours are out. 是的,亮色过时了。
Yes, brother, may I have profit from you in the Lord; refresh my inward parts in Christ. 20弟兄啊,是的,愿我在主里从你得着益处,愿你使我的心肠在基督里得舒畅。
Yes, but I can't seem to convince them of that. I'm only coming up with $610,000. I sure would like to know where the other $240,000 is coming from. 是的。可是我就是不能说服他们。我的数字只达到61万。我一直都想知道多余的24万是从哪里来的。
Yes, but I don't want go downtown. 是的,但是我不希望上街。
Yes, but I switched with Mary. 是的,但是我跟玛丽换了。
Yes, but I'm working to pay off debts. (是啊,但是我得挣钱还清债务。)
Yes, but it is very difficult. There will not be significant increase in production volume. 很遗憾我不能透露太多新款的信息,但是它将会是复杂款。
Yes, but it′s of good quality. 是的,但它质量很好。

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