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I read the whole book without skipping (a page).

I read the entire book in a day. 我第一天内就把整本书看完了。
I read the newspaper over breakfast. 我边吃早饭边看报纸。
I read the report and wrote some remarks thereon. 我读了该报告,并在其上写了几句批语。
I read the text this morning. 我今天早上读课文。
I read the weather map in yesterday's paper, which showed a driving cold wind would blow from the North. 我看了昨天报纸上的气象图,图中表明一般强冷风会从北方袭来。
I read the whole book without skipping (a page). 我一页不漏地读完了全书.
I read their written contracts, clause by clause; to be sure nothing had been omitted from the oral agreement. 然后我一条一条地读了他们的书面合同,确信没有从口头协议中漏掉什么。
I read them carefully with blithe spirit, smile with tears. 我小心的翻阅着,带着笑容,带着泪水。)
I read they also found dog skeletons and many shards of pottery that had been decorated with cord. 我听说他们还发现狗的骨骸,以及很多曾用细绳装饰的陶器碎片。
I read this book from beginning to end. 我把这本书从头到尾看了一遍。
I read this book from stem to stern for three times. 这本书我从头到尾读了三遍。

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