Y. R. Yang, C. L. Chen, Analysis of self-excited electronic ballasts using BJTs /MOSFETs as switching devices,IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices, and Systems, Vol. 145, No. 2. pp. 95-104, April 1998. |
中文意思: 杨岳儒,陈秋麟,林昌贤“变流器辅助电源之设计及制作”工研院能资所电力电子技术双月刊,第18期,第11-23页,1993年12月。 |
Y wensheng, Millero F J. Adsorption of phosphate on manganese dioxide in seawater [J]. Environ Sci Technol,1996,30(2) :536 -541.
郑红汤鸿霄.锰矿砂对取代酚的光氧化作用研究[J].环境科学学报,:. |
Y zma sighs Tell us where the talking llama is OR we′ll burn your house to the ground.
泽马叹了口气告诉我们会说话的骆驼在哪,否则我们就把你的房子夷为平地。 |
Y+ Flow 2: Flow 2 is designed as a practice that is both a challenging and regenerative work-out that allows the practitioner time to learn the postural sequences, which are repeated during the class, and set at a gentler pace than in a flow 3 class.
此课程更具流动性及挑战性,要是重获力量的学习,一个相对于流瑜珈3柔和的节奏,让练习者有足够的时间来掌握练习中不断重复动作的流程次序。 |
Y-You can do it! Remember that.
记住, 你一定会成功的! |
Y. C. Lee, D. Y. Sha and L. H. Ho, “Current Development Status of ISO 9000 Series in Taiwan R. O. C.,” Proceedings of the Asia Quality Control Symposium, , Korea (1993).
李友铮,黎正中,「利用最小海氏距离估计混合模式的参数」,75年统计学术研讨会,高雄,第311-316页(1986)。 |
Y. R. Yang, C. L. Chen, Analysis of self-excited electronic ballasts using BJTs /MOSFETs as switching devices,IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices, and Systems, Vol. 145, No. 2. pp. 95-104, April 1998.
杨岳儒,陈秋麟,林昌贤“变流器辅助电源之设计及制作”工研院能资所电力电子技术双月刊,第18期,第11-23页,1993年12月。 |
Y. R. Yang, C. L. Chen, Steady-state analysis and simulation of a BJT self-oscillating ZVS-CV ballast driven by a saturable transformer,IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 46, No.2, pp. 249-260, April 1999.
杨岳儒,陈秋麟,林昌贤“自激串振式半桥型电子安定器电路分析”工研院能资所电力电子技术双月刊,第24期,第45-53页,1994年12月。 |
Y.I. Chen. 1999/07. Naturalization and Conflicting Generic Conventions in Lady Chatterley's Lover. Journal of TunghaiUniversity Vol.40. No.1(Taichung: Tunghai University Press): 65-105.
陈音颐2001/01。<从通俗冒险小说到迪斯尼卡通:《人猿泰山》里的种族,阳刚和成长议题>。《中外文学》(台北:台湾大学外文系)。29卷8期94─128页。 |
Y.K.: Exactly, but I hated composing for video games.
是的,但我讨厌为电子游戏作曲。 |
Y.S. Shin, C.S. Cheng, Three-step Cycle Calcium Phosphate-Nitric Acid Reaction Heat Pump Cycle for the Recovery of Thermal Energy, J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 15, 143-149 (1984).
郑进山,吸热式热泵萃取再生及吸收模式研究,国立台湾科技大学工程技术研究所博士论文(1987)。 |
Y.W. Pan and S. Banerjee, 1988. ”Transitional Yielding Model for Non-cohesive Soils.” Constitutive Equations for Granular Non-cohesive Soils, Ed, Saada &Bianchini, Balkema, Rotterdam.
黄仁霖,董家钧,潘以文,1993,”依时性支撑劲度与隧道─喷凝土支撑交互作用模式”,第五届大地工程学术研究讨论会论文专集,福隆。 |