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Maybe that perfect moment was squashed by the Celtic fraternity.

Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。
Maybe some parts need to be replaced. 可能有些零件需要更换一下。
Maybe some place like Howard University or maybe someplace in North Carolina, so I can stay close to my family. 也许是哈佛大学或者北卡罗莱娜州的什么地方,这样我可以离家近一些。
Maybe something similar will happen in Iraq, not least because the rival versions of theocracy on offer from Iran and al-Qaeda are nonsensical too. 也许类似的结果也会出现在伊拉克,因为伊朗和圣战组织欲输入以神权为名的反抗理念,而这些理念同样是荒诞的。
Maybe sometime in the future Ill try out acting again... 也许以后我会再试着演戏哦。。。
Maybe that perfect moment was squashed by the Celtic fraternity. 又或许那个时刻还会被兄弟凯尔特人给压制住.
Maybe that's because there is nothing to say. Nothing to be gained by spouting off by either Kobe or the Lakers' front office. 也许是因为没什么好说的了.总之没有任何消息从科比或者湖人那里泄露出来.
Maybe that's what I'll do. 这大概正是我要做的。
Maybe the American English is assimilated by Chinese. 也许美国英语被中文同化了.(不知英文是不是上面那样译?
Maybe the God wants you to meet the wrong person before you meet the right one ,so when this happen,you'll be thankful. 也许上帝在你遇见合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应心存感激.
Maybe the Yankees can get something going with a time-tested favorite, because not much else seems to be at the ready. 或许洋基还需要经过时间的考验,因为,似乎没有什麽是已经准备好的。

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