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Not on your sweet life, said Mr. Wickham with sad want of gallantry.

Not just young people, but grown-ups are not using honorific Japanese properly. With the language guidelines, we hope to spread the correct use of the Japanese language. 不仅仅是年轻人,一些成年人也不会正确使用敬语.我们希望能通过语言方面的指导来推广日语的正确用法.
Not like cats!cried the Mouse in a shrill passionate voice. “不喜欢猫!”耗子激动地尖声叫道。
Not long ago, Your Honor. 没有多久,大人。
Not necessarily from a financial perspective but from a point of view where you can win trophies and compete against the AC Milans and Barcelonas of this world. “他的出发点并不是仅仅是高薪,对他而言更重要的是在那里他有机会赢得更多的奖杯,而且会得到更多与AC米兰、巴塞罗那这样的传统强队交手的机会。
Not now!Guilt makes my voice harsh. 不接!”我内疚地说道.
Not on your sweet life, said Mr. Wickham with sad want of gallantry. 威克赫姆一点也不想献殷勤,答道:决不。
Not really. It's part of it. “不是。它是其中的一部分。”
Not so well,said Slughorn at once. Weak chest. Wheezy. Rheumatism too. Can't move like I used to. Well, that's to be expected. Old age. Fatigue. “不太好,”斯拉格霍恩立刻说道,“透不过气来。哮喘,还有风湿,腿脚不像以前那么灵便了。唉,这也是意料中的。人老了,不中用了。”
Not soon, I think,said Easton. My carefree days are over, I fear. 「我想不会很快的,」易士旦说;「恐怕我的无牵无挂的日子已经过去了。」
Not the first thing,I told her, the only thing. “不是第一句,”我告诉她,“是惟一的一句。”
Not very near, and yet too near, it seems. 翻成还不是很近,却又似乎很近.比较好?

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