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The hotel insists the aim of cordial service and the guests first to receive guests at home and aboard, half militarizing managing of railroad is base.

The hotel has more than 80 standard rooms and luxury rooms.And the hotel deals in Chuan,Dian,Yue quisinesChinese resterant.It also has business centre ,meeting room,KTVprivate room , music teahouse ,playroom and hair dress &beauty saloon and other excelle 酒店拥有标准客房,豪华套间80多间,有经营川、滇、粤菜系的中餐厅,商务中心,会议室,KTV包房,音乐茶座,棋牌室,美容美发等完善一流的服务设施。
The hotel has received President Jiang Zemin, Premier Li Peng and many other high ranking state leader, foreign distinguished guest as well as many well-known scholars and experts. 常州宾馆曾先后接待过江泽民主席,李鹏委员长等许多高级领导人、外国贵宾以及著名的学者和专家。
The hotel has25 bedrooms, all en suite. 饭店有25间带浴室的客房。
The hotel have an overall decoration project recently.The newly decorated hotel appears more European grace and luxurious air. 最近上海宾馆已完成装修改造工程。装饰一新的宾馆更显欧陆风采和豪华气派。
The hotel insists that guests check out of their rooms before11 o'clock in the morning. 这家旅馆一定要客人在上午11点钟前结帐后离开房间。
The hotel insists the aim of cordial service and the guests first to receive guests at home and aboard, half militarizing managing of railroad is base. 宾馆以铁路半军事化管理为基础,以诚信为上,一流的服务诚待中外宾朋。
The hotel is a firetrap and is not insurable. 那个饭店存在火灾隐患,因而不能投火灾险。
The hotel is a must-see attraction in itself. 饭店本身就是一处不容错过的景点。
The hotel is aimed with 182 comfortable guest rooms of widely modern &simple styles; all rooms are fully furnished and equipped with satellite TV, Internet access, in-room safe, mini-bar and coffee/tea maker. 佣有182间客房中包括13间套间,以现代与简约的装潢,设备一应俱全,设有卫星电视接收、宽带网接入、保险箱、迷你酒吧及自助咖啡/红茶设施。
The hotel is at the end of that street. 宾馆就在街道的尽头。
The hotel is built round a courtyard, with fountain and palm tree. 这家饭店围绕一庭院而建,辅以泉水和棕榈树。

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