You can also cast spells on the dragons to increase a certain value.
你也可以对飞龙施以法术,来增加某项属性值. |
You can also change the time of day to anytime you want, or whenever you want, by simply reaching to the sky and moving time.
你还可以把游戏的时间调整到你想要的任何时候,不管什么时候,只要简单的抓住天空,然后移动时间。 |
You can also chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy to help stimulate saliva production.
你也可以嚼无糖口香糖或含无糖硬糖来促进唾液分泌。 |
You can also consider a model that takes into account the global properties of sentence segmentation (e.g., sentence length distribution).
你也可以考虑用到句子切分的全局特征的模型(例如,句子的长度分布)。 |
You can also consult books, and other materiel available in the library, for information relevant to a problem you may have forgotten [but not to see if you can find the problem done somewhere!]
你可以查询书籍或者其他图书馆内的资料,获取你可能已经忘记的有关问题的信息(但是不要看已经完成的问题)。 |
You can also create a new character if you want, especially if you\'re interested in trying out some of the new race and class options.
也能创建你想要的新人物,尤其是你想尝试新的种族和职业的时候。 |
You can also create disorder in your life and a feeling of uselessness.
最后,你能够在最能胜任的层次起作用,了解到你生命的意义。 |
You can also create such a shortcut on the desktop by right-clicking the Sketchpad icon and choosing Send To | Desktop.
你也可以右击画板图标,选择“发送到桌面”来在桌面创建快捷方式。 |
You can also customize the icons shown on this screen that indicate what type of call is under way.
你也可以定制这个屏幕上显示的图标说明是什么样的要求正在进行. |
You can also delete records by clicking on the trashcan to the right of each record.
你同样可以点击每条记录的右边的垃圾桶来删除记录。 |
You can also discover new veins of ore. They yield more ore, but their lifespan is short. You can either dig the ore by yourself, or sell the mine.
你也能发现新的矿石品种。他们产生较多的矿石,但是他们的寿命短暂。你可以选择独自挖矿石,或出售它。 |