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Questions addressed include: Within the irreversible context of natural time, how can the reversible arrows of historical times A and B be established?

Question: With who have you had your best shirt swap? 你拥有的最棒的球衣是和谁交换来的?
Question:What do you think the cooperation between Tunisia and China? 记者:您是怎样看待突尼斯和中国之间的合作的?
Question:Who do you think is the toughest defender in the UK? 你认为在英国最好的后卫是谁?
Questionnaire is one of the most popular data collection instruments in the studies of social and behavioral sciences. 摘要问卷是社会及行为科学研究中,最常被用来收集资料的方法之一。
Questionnaire method is adopted in this study. 研究方法采问卷调查法。
Questions addressed include: Within the irreversible context of natural time, how can the reversible arrows of historical times A and B be established? 在不可逆的自然时间中,具有可逆性的历史箭头A与历史箭头B何以能成立?
Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly . 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以公开谈论了.
Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly. 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以公开谈论了.
Questions are invited after the meeting. 会后请听众提问。
Questions are posed to the class to stimulate discussion and indicate how concepts are going over. 对学生提出问题以激发讨论,并指出是概念如何验证的。
Questions arising at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a majority on a show of hands and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 在理事会会议中产生的问题可通过举手表决来决定如何处理,如支持与反对票相同,则由会议主持人再次投票或投决定票。

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