A feature, such as an advertisement or calender, inserted as a centerfold.
插页特写作为特大折叠插叶用的一份特写,如广告或日历 |
A federal investigation is underway to determine how many employees list diploma-mill degrees on their r é sum é s and whether tax dollars are funding sham credentials.
一项联邦调查正在进行,旨在查清有多少雇员在其简历中列入了“文凭作坊”提供的学位,以及税款是否在用于资助假文凭。 |
A federal judge has granted class-action status to a lawsuit that claims Wal-Mart's denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees.
一位联邦法官近日对沃尔玛公司一起集体诉讼案进行了裁决。判定沃尔玛公司拒绝支付女员工的节育健康保险费用的做法有失公平,因而败诉。 |
A federal judge in Los Angeles issued an injunction preventing the navy from using high-powered sonar in training exercises off the coast of southern California .
洛杉矶的一名联邦法官发布一项禁令,禁止海军在加利福尼亚南部海岸训练时使用大功率声纳。 |
A federal judge is dismissing Valerie Plame's lawsuit against top White House officials.
一名联邦法官驳回了瓦莱丽皮恩对白宫高官的指控。 |
A federal judge says top cigarette makers did violate racketeering laws and misled the public about the dangers of smoking.
联邦法官表示,高级香烟制造商确实违反了敲诈勒索法并在有关抽烟的危害性方面误导了公众。 |
A federal jury has convicted Conrad Black and three of his former executives of illegally pocketing money that should've gone to stockholders.
一个联邦陪审团判处康拉德·布莱克和三名前管理人员非法盗用本属于股东的钱财。 |
A federal jury in the United States has convicted a man of kidnapping and conspiracy connected to the death of two black teenagers more than 40 years ago.
美国联邦陪审团判决一名男子犯绑架罪以及在40年前两黑人少年死亡案件中的同谋罪。 |
A federal law enforcement official says investigators in Britain have found at least one martyrdom tape at the home of a suspect in the alleged plot of blow-up ten jet liners over the Atlantic.
一名联邦法律实施官员称,英国调查人员在一名嫌疑犯家中至少发现一块殉教磁带,该疑犯涉嫌参与摧毁10架飞跃大西洋的喷气式客机的所谓阴谋。 |
A federation or tribe, especially one composed of Native Americans.
部落联盟部落联盟,尤其是由美洲印第安人组成的联盟 |
A fee charged by a broker for executing a transaction. Also referred to as brokerage fee.
是经纪商对买卖交易收取的费用。也叫作经纪费。 |