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Right at the center of this evil plain there yawns a very wide, deep well, whose structure.

Right about that time, the HEAT came back and managed to pull-out a dramatic 88-86 victory. 但,却就是在这场比赛,热火居然翻盘,88-86把爵士给做了。
Right after the accident,everyone argued over who was at fault. 就在这次意外后,每个人都在为错误属谁而争论。
Right after the successful creation and local and overseas distribution of our first set of works Happy Family, we are planning to launch other series of Chinas original cartoons, including Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Little Football Player in the Son 继2004年成功制作及发行到海内外的第一套作品《宝贝女儿好妈妈》之后,未来还会推出一系列的中国原创卡通,包括:《喜羊羊与灰太狼》、《宋朝足球小将》、《小宋走天涯》、《宠物小飞龙》、及百集公益卡通短片,少儿卡通教材、儿歌卡通音乐电视(MTV)等。
Right around the 2nd or 3rd transition the 1 hunter you picked to be the main puller of the sons of hakkar should start his run. 这样大约第二或者第三次转换,你们选出来的主猎人就应该开始他的行动了。
Right at that time I felt kind of backward. 我立刻觉得有点落伍了。
Right at the center of this evil plain there yawns a very wide, deep well, whose structure. 在这邪恶的场所的正中,一口极广极深的井张着大口。
Right away I answered with a stoned heart, “No! 我马上冷生生地回答道:“不行!”
Right away they wrote an English song about the fable. 她们马上写了一首有关那寓言的英文歌。
Right before the Cambodian New Year on April 14, people usually present gift baskets packed with wine, chocolate and crackers to relatives, friends or superiors to wish them a happy new year. 14日是柬埔寨新年,人们通常在新年之前选购由洋酒、饼干和巧克力等打包而成的礼篮,送给亲人、朋友或者上级,以示友好与祝福。
Right before the show, I always come down with last-minute jitters. 在表演之前的最后一分钟,我总是感到紧张不安。
Right below the entrenchment, you will find another underground bunker. 在堑壕的下方,你能找到另一个地下碉堡。

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