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A study finds out that suicide is caused by depression, which could be cured through medication and therapy.

A study class to address concept in Motion Picture.Students will explore and experimeut with ideas by learning aud analyzing Aesthetics &Soyle on differeut kinds of art-performances. 透过认识美学的範畴,使学生了解艺术、美和敏感性并应用于艺术经验的反思,切入作品的理解路径。
A study commissioned by a trade group, the National Association of Software and Service Companies, or Nasscom, found only one in four engineering graduates to be employable. 由贸易团体国际软件和服务联合公司组织的一项研究发现,只有四分之一的工程师毕业生能找到工作。
A study conducted with tissues, cells, or substances in solution in a controlled or model system and not a living animal or organism. 体内试验(“活体试验”):用活的动物或人(如临床试验)进行的试验。
A study done by the University of Michigan School of Public Health revealed particulars that seem to hold true for the general population. 密歇根大学公共卫生学院揭示了一些对人们普遍适用的细节。
A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year. 美国的一项研究证实人们在假日期间增加的体重比在一年中的其它时候多。
A study finds out that suicide is caused by depression, which could be cured through medication and therapy. 一项研究发现,自杀由抑郁造成,而抑郁可以通过药物和心理辅导治愈。
A study for the European Commission published last month recommended a cap on liabilities to discourage such a catastrophic outcome. 为避免类似这样的灾难性结果,一项上个月发表的为欧盟委员会所作的研究中建议对其责任设定上限。
A study found GPs perceived affluent patients as more attractive than patients from deprived backgrounds. 一份研究发现,医师认为富裕的病患比贫穷的病患具有吸引力。
A study found that a man's self-esteem is often directly conneceted with his outward appearance. thin and small men often regard themselves as punny and easily sink into depression. 一项研究发现,男人们的自尊心往往与他的外表有直接联系,那些瘦小的男人更容易感到自己的弱小,更容易陷入沮丧的心情之中。
A study found that eating high-fat dairy foods reduces the risk of ovulation failure. 有研究发现,食用高脂肪乳制品可减少妇女排卵机能出现障碍的风险。
A study has revealed that the way someone kisses discloses much about their personality.You can literally kiss and tell whether a person is warm and genuine or a cold hearted individual, for a study has revealed that the way someone kisses discloses much 一项研究表明,从一个人的接吻方式可以看出他(她)的很多性格特点,你可以由此判断他(她)是个热心真诚的人还是个冷漠的人。

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