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Have a rest in each Monday's afternoon. Your mood will be glitter like the sunshine at that time.

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense .Proficient in marketing, assessing and planning; and good at social communication, singing, sports and calligraphy. 有丰富的上网经验和大量的生活经历。在营销测量策划、交际、唱歌、体育、书法有专长。
Have a pleasant journey home. 祝您归途一路顺风。
Have a pleasant journey, Mr. B. 先生,旅行愉快!
Have a reasonable career plan. 准备一份合理的职业规划。
Have a rest and locate in brightness of flowers and birdsongs, sample the mystery of bodhi of a flower and one world , a leaf one silently; Look at the murmuring flowing water, try to figure out the secret that a leaf duckweed belongs to the sea , where n 小憩在鸟语花香处,静静地品味“一花一世界、一叶一菩提”的神奇;看着潺潺的流水,默默地揣摩“一叶浮萍归大海,人生何处不相逢”的奥妙。
Have a rest in each Monday's afternoon. Your mood will be glitter like the sunshine at that time. 人生难得偷得半日闲,在周日的午后小憩一会儿,醒来后你的心情会像午后的阳光一样灿烂。
Have a smell of this egg and tell me if it's bad. 闻闻这个蛋,告诉我坏没坏。
Have a stand-up session. 那就站着开会。
Have a strong responsibility, and work positively. 工作积极主动,具有很强的责任心。
Have a teacher or counselor act as moderator of each group. 请教师或辅导老师担任每个小组的主持人。
Have a thorough check before landing. 着落前请彻底地检查一下。

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